"Adam Sorge the Vampire"

Films: Blood Bath (1966)

Alias: None

Type: Mystical

Location: Civilized Area/Haunted Home

Height/Weight: That of an average human.

Affiliation: Neutral, leaning on Evil

Summary: When the makers of this film...okay, we'll skip on that hyperbole for specific reasons. Let's just say that this reluctant vampire has been having a hard time dealing with the memories of his relatives, and it's driving him to unspeakable acts...for ART! Okay, that didn't quite have as much ring to it as "for SCIENCE!" does.

History: In the 15th century, Erno Sordi was executed for killing people and putting their souls into paintings. He also had a witch lover named Melizza who sold him out. Many centuries later, we have Antonio Sordi, a reclusive artist known for his gallery of painted women known as "Dead Red Nudes". In actuality, seeing visions of Melizza causes him to turn into a Vampire, kill ladies, and use them for painting purposes.

Notable Kills: Nothing special. It's what he does with victims that is.

Final Fate: Before he can kill another, some guys distract Antonio long enough for Melizza to summon some souls stuck in paintings to put him in a vat of his own wax, killing him.

Powers/Abilities: When his corruption hits a high, he goes full-Vampire.

Weakness: Anything conventional.

Scariness Factor: 2.5-When you boil it down, Sordi's little more than a murderous creep. That Vampire business feels tacked on, and he seems to loathe the fact that he needs to kill at times. His artwork is nice though, if a bit unethical and unorthodox.

Trivia: -The making of this film. How to summarize it? How about: Roger Corman wants to make spy film, deems it unworthy, tries to re-edit it as horror film, unimpressed with results, shoves more scenes in, now you have it.

-The titles for this film during production were, in order, "Operation: Titan" (the spy movie), "Portrait in Terror", and finally "Blood Bath".

Image Gallery

Elizabeth Bathory was a nut! How is this logical?!

We all start from somewhere.
Blood, blood, and more blood.

Each painting, a memento to death.
